HIS 101 Chapter 10 Quiz

Which of the following is NOT true of Andrew Jackson? He was the first president born in a log cabin. Jackson was openly partisan in his politics, and made no pretense to promote the rights of African Americans, Native Americans, or Women. By the time of Jackson’s presidency, politics had become a source of entertainment […]

HIS 101 Chapter 8 Quiz

Which of the following is NOT true about the evolving Market Revolution in the US? The National Road eventually stretched 600 miles, from Maryland to Illinois in 1838. It was the first federally funded interstate roadway in US history. As the technology of paved roads improved, turnpikes were a cheaper form of transportation than steamboats […]

HIS 101 Short Weekly Essay 1: Regional Diversity

Using the textbook and short videos, write a 1-2 page essay describing the differences and diverse nature of the four regions of colonies (as described in the short video for chapter 2).  These regions are the Chesapeake, New England, the Middle Colonies, and the South.  In your essay, you should respond to these three prompts: […]

HIS 101 Primary Source #1: The Mayflower Compact

As you know, in this course we are using the idea that the History of the United States is the story of the constant interaction of unity and diversity.  So far in the readings and short videos, we’ve explored examples of diversity.  For this assignment, you will watch a short video that introduces a theme […]

Primary Source #3: The Gettysburg Address

The Gettysburg Address is one of the most important speeches in the history of the United States.  In it, Abraham Lincoln demonstrates his skill of making the war make sense to the American people, and he offers a justification of the profound sacrifices the War entailed.  And in doing so, Lincoln also offers us today […]

HIS 101 Primary Source #2: The Declaration of Independence and the Preamble of the US Constitution

The Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution of the United States are two of the most important documents in the history of the United States.  The Declaration makes clear the ideas upon which this country is founded, and the Constitution is the highest law of the land. For this assignment, you need to write a short essay with two short […]

HIS 101 Chapter 16 Open-Book Reading Quiz

HIS 101 Chapter 16 Open-Book Reading Quiz   What did Alexander Stephens claim was “indelibly stamped upon everything I meet, even upon the faces of the people”? Which of the following is NOT true about the South after the War? Which of the following was NOT true of the debates over Reconstruction? Which of the […]

HIS 101 Chapter 15 Open-Book Reading Quiz

HIS 101 Chapter 15 Open-Book Reading Quiz   Which of the following statements is NOT true about the early months of the war? Which of the following is NOT true about the First Battle of Bull Run? While Winfield Scott was devising the Anaconda Plan, Confederate diplomats sought assistance from Britain and France. Britain refused, […]