HIS 101 Chapter 9 Open-Book Reading Quiz
- Which of the following was NOT a consequence of The War of 1812?
- The Supreme Court declared that the Bank of the United States was unconstitutional in the case McCulloch v. Maryland.
- For Thomas Jefferson, Gibbons v. Ogden (1824), which John Marshall used to confirm the federal government’s authority to regulate interstate commerce, was an example of the federal government usurping “the rights reserved to the States…”
- Which of the following was NOT true of Henry Clay’s “American System”?
- Which of the following would you NOT consider a characteristic of the Era of Good Feelings?
- Which of the following is NOT true about the Missouri Compromise?
- Which of the following is not related to the “Nationalist Diplomacy” typical of the Monroe administrations?
- Which of the following is NOT true about Andrew Jackson?
- The ‘corrupt bargain’ made Andrew Jackson president.
- John Quincy Adams was probably one of the most qualified politicians in US history to be president. He was also one of the most ineffective presidents in US history.
- Like his father John Adams, John Quincy Adams worried that the American Republic was quickly turning into “democracy”.
- John Quincy Adams believed that the federal government should not be involved in internal improvements. He condemned the idea of a “national university” and an astronomical observatory, which he denigrated as a “lighthouse of the sky”.
- The Democratic Republican Party continued to divide into factions while John Quincy Adams was president, with those who favored the economic nationalism of Adams and Clay being called National Republicans.
- The tariff passed in 1828 hurt the cotton producing Southern States, who called it “the Tariff of Abominations.” John C. Calhoun, of SC, even talked about how states had the authority to declare acts of Congress (such as the tariff of 1828) “unconstitutional”.
- The Democrats (supporters of Andrew Jackson) were linked to the Jeffersonian Republicans and states’ rights, while the National Republicans favored a stronger national government and the economic nationalism of JQ Adams and Henry Clay.
- Which of the following is NOT true about Andrew Jackson?
- An aspect of democratization is the fact that politicians no longer had to come form the social elite (like Washington, Jefferson, and even John Adams). This was true by the time of Andrew Jackson, although he himself was born into an elite family.
- One consequence of the dropping of property qualifications to vote was that the working class (wage laborers) became a political force (sometimes in “Working Men’s parties”, but also in the major political parties).
- Jackson won a big victory in 1828 as the “people’s president” vs. the “Eastern elite”. However, there was a record low voter turnout.
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