HIS 101 Chapter 5 Open-Book Reading Quiz
- Which of the following is NOT true about the Continental Army?
- When the British Army and Navy arrived in New York City in the late summer of 1776, a series of battles ensued. Which of the following is NOT true about the Battles of New York City?
- By 1777, Washington believed the only way to win the war was to attack the British Army and completely destroy it.
- The American Revolution can also be called a civil war, because American Patriots/Whigs also fought American Loyalists/Tories. Which of the following is NOT an example of this?
- Which is NOT true about the Battles of Saratoga (October, 1777)?
- The winter spent at Valley Forge (1777-78) was an example of….
- Way out in the West, what did George Rogers Clark order his men (“Rangers”) to do in sight of a British fort on the Mississippi River in 1778?
- Despite the fact that American frontiersmen were hostile to Indians along the frontier, George Washington ordered that all Americans, including soldiers, treat the Indians fairly (i.e. in upstate New York in August, 1779). He hoped to encourage all Indians to support the patriots, and he hoped to use them against the British and loyalists.
- What did the American commander at Charleston, S. C. (General Benjamin Lincoln) beg to have done to save the city from the British in 1780?
- John Adams was a good choice to join Benjamin Franklin in negotiating the Treaty of Paris (1783), because, as Thomas Jefferson said, the friendly Adams “loved Franklin, loved John Jay, loves the French, and loves the English.”
- The Republican Ideology embraced by the American Revolutionaries was for pure democracy, like in ancient Athens.
- The new 13 states had state constitutions even before the U.S. Constitution was written in 1787. Most of these constitutions even included a bill of rights.
- Which of the following is NOT true about the Articles of Confederation?
- Which of the following was NOT an example of the “social revolution” that resulted from the American Revolution?
- Which of the following statements is NOT true?
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