HIS 101 Chapter 11 Open Book Reading Quiz
- When the cotton economy was booming, southern investors invested in banking and manufacturing to try and diversify the southern economy in general.
- Which of the following is NOT true about the South before the Civil War (the antebellum South)?
- Which of the following is NOT true of “The Cotton Kingdom”?
- Which of the following is NOT true of the Old Southwest?
- Which of the following is NOT true about planters and the Cotton Kingdom?
- A typical view of women in the South was expressed by George Fitzhugh, who said a “man loves his children because they are weak, helpless, and dependent. He loves his wife for similar reasons.”
- Which of the following groups does the textbook call “overwhelmingly identified with the Democratic party of Andrew Jackson”?
- “Slave Codes” in many states, but not all, made slave owners responsible for the education of their slave because literacy made the enslaved more valuable.
- Which of the following is NOT true of “free persons of color”?
- Which of the following is NOT true of the slave trade?
- Based on the maps in the textbook, which state had the most slaves (true in 1820 and 1860)?
- To protect their investments, slave owners sometimes hired cheap white laborers (i.e. Irish immigrants) to do dangerous work, rather than “risk the lives of their more valuable slaves”.
- Slavery everywhere was a system based on violence, but urban slavery could be a very different experience than rural slavery. One Maryland slave even said: “A city slave is almost a freeman.”
- The tragic story of an enslaved woman named Celia is one of the rare occasions where a court of law recognized a slave’s right of self defense. She was found innocent of murdering her abusive owner.
- Which of the following was NOT discussed in the textbook regarding slave societies?
- The successful slave revolt in Saint Domingue that led to the creation of Haiti was a slaveowner’s nightmare, made all the more real by the terrified whites who fled the island and moved to the southern United States (to Charleston, for example).
- There were only four major slave insurrections in the United States in the 19th century. While three were brutally crushed, one led to the freedom of dozens of slaves in Louisiana.
- Which of the following individuals was not involved in one of the four major slave insurrections discussed in chapter 11?
- The uprising organized in part by Denmark Vesey (a slave who bought his freedom after winning a lottery) was foiled. Nonetheless, the planned revolt led John C. Calhoun to become an advocate for the rights of slaves and freedmen.
- To protect slavery in the South, slaveowners believed it was important that slavery also spread to Western territories. In fact, southern states were increasingly unified in their attempts to preserve and expand slavery. The Old South was made all the more militant by Northern attempts to restrict or abolish slavery.
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