HCS499 Week 5: Strategic Plan Presentation
Application of Strategic Planning to the Future of Health Care
HCS499 Week 5: Now that you have completed your review of the Strategic Plan for Stevens District Hospital, you have been asked to provide a presentation to the governing board of the hospital. This board is comprised of the president of the hospital, four business leaders from the community, and three leaders of the medical staff.
Create a 10- to 12-slide PowerPoint® presentation that summarizes your analysis and goals created. Include the following in your presentation:
- Give an overview of the market.
- State the mission and vision for Stevens District Hospital.
- Provide the SWOT analysis.
- Summarize the goals created for Stevens District Hospital.
- Explain the rationale for goals created.
- Describe itemized resources that may be needed.
- Explain how the strategic plan provides focus and direction for Stevens District Hospital.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines. Include a title page, detailed speaker notes, and a references page.
If you use resources outside of the information provided in the assignment, be sure to cite your references using correct APA formatting.
This assignment contains a Microsoft PowerPoint document.
Click HERE for more HCS499 weeks.
If you would like to order an original assignment, please contact info@prowriting.co or text (617) 299-6181. Kindly visit our original assignment website www.prowriting.co
HCS499 Week 5: Strategic Plan Presentation
Application of Strategic Planning to the Future of Health Care
HCS499 Week 5: Now that you have completed your review of the Strategic Plan for Stevens District Hospital, you have been asked to provide a presentation to the governing board of the hospital. This board is comprised of the president of the hospital, four business leaders from the community, and three leaders of the medical staff.
Create a 10- to 12-slide PowerPoint® presentation that summarizes your analysis and goals created. Include the following in your presentation:
- Give an overview of the market.
- State the mission and vision for Stevens District Hospital.
- Provide the SWOT analysis.
- Summarize the goals created for Stevens District Hospital.
- Explain the rationale for goals created.
- Describe itemized resources that may be needed.
- Explain how the strategic plan provides focus and direction for Stevens District Hospital.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines. Include a title page, detailed speaker notes, and a references page.
If you use resources outside of the information provided in the assignment, be sure to cite your references using correct APA formatting.
This assignment contains a Microsoft PowerPoint document.
Click HERE for more HCS499 weeks.
If you would like to order an original assignment, please contact info@prowriting.co or text (617) 299-6181. Kindly visit our original assignment website www.prowriting.co