HRM326 Week 5 Individual: Apply: Development Plan

HRM326 Week 5: Create a 700- to 1,050-word development plan that includes the following: Assess the legalities of training. Determine whether the plan could offend any of the protected classes. Evaluate whether you will use the plan as the sole weighting for promoting and determining the eligibility of employees for opportunity to move forward at […]

HRM326 Week4 Individual: Apply: Job Aid

HRM326 Week4: Create a job aid that can be used to improve team performance within your organization. Create a 700- to 1,050-word job aid that includes the following: Assess how it will be deployed. Determine what type of training methodology you will use. Evaluate whether or not there is a change management component to its […]

HRM326 Week 3 Team Assignment: Apply: Training Evaluation

HRM326 Week 3: Resource: Training Evaluation Grading Guide Training evaluations are important to determine if the selected training solution was effective and provided the appropriate return on investment. Discuss as a team the last training program you attended (at work, school, other). Select one of your team members’ experiences and design a training evaluation form. Write a 525- […]

HRM326 Week2: Employee Assessment Case Study

HRM326 Week2: During a global career succession assessment of leadership talent pipeline, a candidate was asked to complete a personality/behavioral tendency profile.  The candidate asked to speak to the program administrator about the validity of the assessment.  The assessment is based on first responses to  several sets of word values.  The instructions were to respond […]

HRM326 Week1 Individual: Apply: Needs Assessment

HRM326 Week1: Before training is determined or designed, a training needs analysis should be considered to develop a root cause and systemic understanding of the training elements such as what needs to be trained, who needs to be trained, where is the training location, and how the training will be measured. Unless a needs assessment […]