BSCOM100 Week4 Presentations Difficult Presentations Made Easy BSCOM100 Week4: Watch “Difficult Presentations Made Easy.” Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that outlines techniques to improve your presentation skills. Develop a presentation that includes information from the video on ways to address anxiety-reducing techniques and improve overall presentation delivery. Use an informative or persuasive […]
BSCOM100 Week2 Verbal, Nonverbal, and Interpersonal Communication
BSCOM100 Week2 Verbal, Nonverbal, and Interpersonal Communication Nonverbal, Interpersonal, and Textual Communication Worksheet BSCOM100 Week2: Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Nonverbal, Interpersonal, and Textual Communication Worksheet. This assignment contains a Microsoft Word document. Click HERE for more BSCOM100 weeks. If you would like to order an original assignment, please contact or text (617) […]
BSCOM100 Week1 Overview of Communication
BSCOM100 Week1 Overview of Communication Introduction to Communication Worksheet BSCOM100 Week1: Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Introduction to Communication Worksheet. This assignment contains a Microsoft Word document. Click HERE for more BSCOM100 weeks. If you would like to order an original assignment, please contact or text (617) 299-6181. Kindly visit our original assignment […]