CNSL556 Week 1: Personal and Professional Growth and Development
CNSL556 Week 1: Prepare a 5-minute oral presentation addressing your growth since entry into the MSC program.
- Explore your emotional, knowledge, and skill development. What criteria can you use to measure your growth?
- Address how you perceive yourself and others now as opposed to the start of the program, and address how your interactions with others have changed. What evidence can you provide to illustrate these changes?
- Describe how you have integrated the knowledge gained from the MSC program into your professional and personal lives. Provide specific examples demonstrating how you have applied the learning.
- Research skills and characteristics of successful and highly effective counselors.
- Identify the characteristics you have that will make you an effective counselor. Explain how these characteristics will help you be successful in the field.
Include audiovisual aids, such as Microsoft® PowerPoint® slides.
Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.
This assignment contains a Microsoft PowerPoint document
Click HERE for more CNSL556 weeks.
If you would like to order an original assignment, please contact or text (617) 299-6181. Kindly visit our original assignment website
CNSL556 Week 1: Personal and Professional Growth and Development
CNSL556 Week 1: Prepare a 5-minute oral presentation addressing your growth since entry into the MSC program.
- Explore your emotional, knowledge, and skill development. What criteria can you use to measure your growth?
- Address how you perceive yourself and others now as opposed to the start of the program, and address how your interactions with others have changed. What evidence can you provide to illustrate these changes?
- Describe how you have integrated the knowledge gained from the MSC program into your professional and personal lives. Provide specific examples demonstrating how you have applied the learning.
- Research skills and characteristics of successful and highly effective counselors.
- Identify the characteristics you have that will make you an effective counselor. Explain how these characteristics will help you be successful in the field.
Include audiovisual aids, such as Microsoft® PowerPoint® slides.
Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.
This assignment contains a Microsoft PowerPoint document
Click HERE for more CNSL556 weeks.
If you would like to order an original assignment, please contact or text (617) 299-6181. Kindly visit our original assignment website