HIS 101 Chapter 16 Open-Book Reading Quiz
- What did Alexander Stephens claim was “indelibly stamped upon everything I meet, even upon the faces of the people”?
- Which of the following is NOT true about the South after the War?
- Which of the following was NOT true of the debates over Reconstruction?
- Which of the following is NOT true about 1865?
- Which of the following is NOT true about former Confederates trying to remain dominant in the post-War South?
- Congress passed the Civil Rights Act in 1866, declaring that “all persons born in the United States” were citizens. President Johnson argued that the act discriminated against “the white race,” and vetoed the bill. For the first time in US history with regards to a major bill, Congress then overturned the presidential veto. The 14th Amendment made the Civil Rights Act even more secure.
- Which of the following statements about Andrew Johnson is NOT true?
- Which of the following is NOT true about 1868?
- Which of the following is NOT true about Black Society under Reconstruction?
- Many former slaves said what they needed most was land. Sharecropping was one way the freedman could acquire land of their own and finally experience complete economic and social independence.
- Which of these definitions is NOT correct?
- Which of the following is NOT true about the first Grant administration?
- The Union League became an important political tool for African American men even within the Democratic Party.
- Grant believed the “Indian problem” was in fact the result of “bad whites.” But while he appointed a Seneca chief named Ely Parker (his personal military secretary from the Civil War) as Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Grant still believed Native Americans had to give up their nomadic traditions and relocate to government reservations.
- Which of the following statements is NOT true?
- Which of the following is NOT true about the early 1870s?
- Which of the following is NOT true about legal action taken during the later years of Reconstruction?
- By making state, not federal government responsible for protecting citizens from attacks by other private citizens, the “Slaughterhouse” and “Cruikshank” cases “gutted” the 14th Amendment, leaving African Americans even more vulnerable to discrimination and violence.
- In the election of 1876, the campaigns avoided controversial issues. Democrats focused on scandals during the Grant administrations, while Republicans “waved the bloody shirt,” associating Democrats with secession, the Civil War, and even the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.
- Ohioan Rutherford B. Hayes won the contested presidential election of 1876 with a “compromise” that involved him removing federal forces from the South in 1877 (the traditional “end” year of Reconstruction, and of this course). At the same time the “Lost Cause” interpretation began to romanticize the antebellum South, and remove slavery as major factor in the “War of Northern Aggression.” But despite the tragic shortcomings of Reconstruction, the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments did set the stage of later advancement in the search for equality and civil rights, not just for African Americans, but for women and other minority groups…
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